Ycs186 Gauss Rifle

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I use both EVE and Millenia's weapon retextures and they are spectacular.
Ycs186 gauss rifle. Build a simple carboard magnet generator. Find the best weapon for you. The Gauss Rifle is sadly not covered which is strange.
Make an electromagnet with household items How To:. It has four more coils around the barrel, possibly explaining the greater weight and damage, while remaining the same length. C4 – Plastic explosives (10) Detonator.
New Vegas, and is a more than respectable rifle. He also makes sure to pick up the YCS/186 Gauss rifle, a particularly powerful weapon with high damage output. The YCS/186 Gauss rifle is found at the Mercenary camp east of Brooks Tumbleweed Ranch.
When used in V.A.T.S., any hit will do exactly 95.244% of the maximum damage, regardless of enemy damage threshold, critical hits, or sneak attack. Recharger pistol Recharger rifle:. My favorite has to be the YCS/186 Gauss rifle though.
Even when you can repair it with the perk "Jury Rigging", the lack of ammo severely limits it's use. Click to see and compare its stats, including damage per shot, damager per second, critical chance multipler and more. -'YCS/186' Gauss Rifle - .45 Auto Submachine Gun (Thompson)-'Cleansing Flame(GRA) Flame Thrower-'CZ57 Avenger' 5mm Minigun-Anti-Material Rifle-Automatic Rifle (BAR)-'Maria' 9mm Pistol-.45 Auto Pistol (1911) {2x}-Ranger Sequoia-'Lucky' .357 Magnum Revolver-'Medicine Stick' Brush Gun-Cowboy Repeater-'Survivalist's Rifle' Service Rifle-Katana(GRA).
A Chinese stealth suit will increase the duration of your stealth boys by 75%, and if you do not have the "wild wasteland" perk, the YCS/186 is an ideal weapon for fighting them. So I edited the textures over the original Gauss Rifle to be hi-res, and fixed up the texture path for the model to the right normal maps. Story Author Follow :.
The YCS/186 Gauss Rifle you are talking. Meet new people, confront terrifying creatures, and arm yourself with the latest high-tech weaponry as you make a name for yourself on a thrilling new. 2 WakaWaka 'Ol Chap.
In that regards, the YCS/186 absolutely blows the Gobi out of the water in terms of DPS, dealing nearly three times as much damage per shot. Wild Wasteland trait must not be taken. 🗡️ Gauss rifle is a weapon in Fallout Vegas Commands.
The YCS/186 is a unique variant of the Gauss rifle. The YCS/186 Gauss rifle is found at the mercenary camp east of Brooks Tumbleweed Ranch. Speed - 3500m / s 514 Dmg, 2.6 s recharge YCS / 186 (Anti Armor):.
I WANTED to. With 100 Energy Weapons skill and fairly high Sneak it's pretty much the ideal sniper weapon. It's better to get the YCS/186 Gauss rifle due to being easier to repair and having ammo you can buy.
I thought it would be good if mentioned the Gauss Rifle is basically the same as the YCS/186. How the discharged MC is ejected is not shown. New Vegas How To:.
The YCS/186 Gauss rifle is found at the mercenary camp east of Brooks Tumbleweed Ranch. Use a stealth boy, crouch, and shoot them with a sniper rifle or gauss rifle from as far away as you can get. Explore the treacherous wastes of the Great Southwest from the safety and comfort of your very own vault:.
At the Mercenary Camp;. New Vegas How To:. New Vegas is almost identical to the one found in Fallout 3, and thus suffers from similar bugs, including the one that affects its damage output when fired via V.A.T.S.
This may not be worth it depending on your playstyle. April 5,. The anti material rifle misses alot or something I dunno the gauss rifle hits where its aiming and has an impact on the target and most importantly an amusing ragdoll effect.
You can't go wrong with either really. If the player has the Wild Wasteland trait, the mercenaries are replaced with aliens, making the YCS. Laser Pistol Pew Pew Plasma Pistol Plasma Defender Pulse Gun - Ammo Boxes - Name:.
Ycs gauss rifle or alien blaster?. The only downside to the Gauss rifle is that if you're playing on hardcoe mode, you can really only carry around so many shots. Important Items in This Area Alien Blaster Duck and Cover!.
YCS-186 (Gauss Rifle) Subscribe. Experience all the sights and sounds of fabulous New Vegas, brought to you by Vault-Tec, America's First Choice in Post Nuclear Simulation. Black Ops How To:.
You need to either pick-pocket him or kill him (no karma or reputation loss) to get it. Make a Toilet Paper Launcher How To:. EVE covers almost everything.
I usually play as an energy weapons character and I find that the two must-have energy weapons are Pew-Pew and the Gauss Rifle (preferably the YCS/186). Weapon Info - YCS/186:. As such, you only get the blaster and whatever ammo you can scrounge up off the captain of the spaceship.
Has no one ever heard of it or something?. Gauss Rifle - YCS/186:. Grenade Machine-gun - Mercy:.
Secondly it changes an encounter that rewards you with the YCS/186 Gauss Rifle into an encounter that rewards you with an Alien Blaster. Animation shows you loading ONE MC in to the power core chamber. Elijah wields a non-playable version of the Gauss rifle.
Follow along with this walkthrough, and you can discover where this rifle is hidden within the desert. Only downside is the ammo capacity/efficiency. A hostile mercenary with reinforced combat armor or reinforced combat armor mark 2 is carrying this weapon.
To compare the gauss to the holorifle is absurd. As it turns out though, the Gauss Rifle (and the YCS/186) has superior damage per hit and superior DPS (though I doubt the superior DPS holds true for a character with low agility). Keep a paintball gun.
Build Lego versions of the Halo weapons How To:. Long-distance sniping can one-hit kill against almost anything. Post Review As.
Its like the antimaterial rifle, except it actually works. Gauss rifle YCS/186 Gauss rifle Q-35 Matter Modulator AER14 Prototype:. Fair trade though, its very powerful.
I prefer the YCS/186 Gauss rifle over anything but the plasma rifle with the mods speeds up the projectile wich makes it a pretty sweet weapon but on a second thought the gauss rifle and the plasma rifle both use microfusion cells so technically isnt the gauss rifle a plasma weapon?. YCS/186 the unique gauss rifle (many people on steam think of it as a beam weapon as V.A.T.S cinematic doesn't show the slug/bullet hitting the target) uses 4 MC. You can find this weapon in the north-most part of New Vegas.
It looks like a standard Gauss rifle, but with a sandy or rusted texture along the barrel and main body, and it sports black stripes on the wooden stock. On the floor of Dead Wind Cavern, near a dead BoS Paladin. As a Gauss Rifle - the Energy Weapons answer to a Sniper Rifle - it's only fair to compare the YCS/186 to the Gobi Campaign Scout Rifle.
Find the YCS/186 Gauss rifle in Fallout:. A mercenary with combat armor, reinforced is carrying this weapon. So im using the YCS 186 Gauss Rifle Fix mod and noticed the YCS 186 "pipes" were the regular gauss rifles regular silver ones (a mistake im sure) and i want to change it to the brass-y copper-y color of the rest of the coil-tube(s?) i spent 12 hours and wasted my one day off a week trying to figure it out to change two little pipes, and not one step closer to figuring it out.
When I found the YCS/186, I noticed the textures looked horrible, so after looking into the matter I found out it was using low res textures, and had the wrong normal map assigned to wrong parts. If I shoot something, I want them going down. In 1 collection by StronkDeal.
The cgs unit of magnetic flux density that is equal to 1 × 10 -4 tesla. This gun is one of the unique weapons you can find in the game Fallout:. The Gauss rifle, also called a "coil gun," is a device used to propel a ferromagnetic projectile by accelerating it through a process of electromagnetic induction.
As mentioned, ammo is easier to come by with the YCS-186, but keep in mind it takes 4 MF cells per shot. "The gauss rifle in Fallout:. The YCS is a unique variant of the Gauss Rifle, featuring additional ammo conservation, more HP, and the chance to cripple enemies on a direct hit.
Retexture for Gauss Rifle and YCS/186 - posted in New Vegas Mod Requests:. Make a survival belt out of paracord using the cobra knot How To:. Dec 26, 13 #4 When I want to snipe people, I pack my Gauss Rifle, but out of those two I prefer the Anti-Material Rifle.
YCS/186 Gauss Rifle variant. If you have wild wasteland, you have access to the alien blaster, unique bb gun, and nuka grenades, and if you don't choose it you have access to YCS 186. It is already strong enough to kill most human enemies without a crit;.
YCS/186 - A unique variant that does over 16% more damage and uses four microfusion cells per shot instead of five. Of course, everyone's favorite weapon is their choice, but the Gauss Rifle is mentioned many times and nobody else mentions the YCS/186, which is statistically better. YCS/186 Gauss Rifle is the go-to sniper weapon, and it's just fun.
A group of mercenaries should be there. If you are energy weapons only, the YCS/186 is better for sniping really, really tough enemies, but otherwise the Holorifle is. Plasma Grenades (10) < Prev Next > Favorite :.
The YCS-186 Gauss Rifle. Speed - 4000m / s. Head to the gate at Freeside and continue north until you reach the mountain range.
The following is based on the Wild Wasteland trait and has not been confirmed by canon sources. It has 4 more coils around the barrel, possibly explaining the greater weight and damage, while remaining the same length. The YCS/186 with the Meltdown perk can snipe entire groups of enemies.
5 Microfusion cells = one shot, and. This is a battery-powered coil gun from new Vegas uses to propel a ferromagnetic projectile by accelerating it through electromagnetic induction. Do, however, make sure you don't have the Wild Wasteland trait when you go to get it- if you do, you'll instead get the Alien Blaster, which, while fun, has extremely limited ammunition.
Its accuracy makes it very easy to get headshots from such a distance sneak attacks can be easily made even with a very poor Sneak skill. A hostile mercenary with reinforced combat armor or reinforced combat armor mark 2 is carrying this weapon and will attack the player character on sight. The gauss rifle is a fun gun.
Fully-modded Dead Money Holorifle. Advertisement Going in, it’s clear that his character is a complete beast. Ammo box, .22LR Plinking:.
Gauss Rifle appears every time, it's the unique variant YCS/186 that only appears with the WW perk.-- Jonathan Strange :38, November 8, 10 (UTC). Unique energy the Gauss rifle FNV mod adds the Gauss Rifle in the game Ravenfield. Grenade Rifle - Thump.
Frag Grenades (5) Frag Mines (0) Combat Knife. There is the regular Gauss Rifle in this game, just like Anchorage, although it uses 5 MF Cells rather than just 1. Build a long-lasting hydrogen generator How To:.
New Vegas Weapon Guide 5 – Energy Rifles – YouTube. YCS/186 Gauss Rifle is the only choice. With the Old World Blues re builder where you can arrange your perks, can you say get the alien blaster bb and grenades, start OId World Blues, use re builder, get rid of wild wasteland, and then get the YCS 186?.
Pick the best sniper rifles for your mission in Call of Duty:. I don't want to shoot someone in the head and not kill them. There's a YCS/186 Gauss Rifle available at a mercenary camp east of Brooks Tumbleweed Ranch that does more damage than the regular Gauss Rifle but isn't available if you have the Wild Wasteland trait since the merc carrying the YCS/186 will be replaced by an alien captain carrying an Alien Blaster instead (the Alien Blaster is guaranteed criticals though, so it's still one of the best weapons).
It can only be obtained without the Wild Wasteland trait, otherwise it will be replaced by the alien blaster. Otherwise I don't recommend it considering that unique YCS/186 Gauss Rifle is replaced with Alien Blaster when you have this perk. A unique version exists called the YCS/186, it can be obtained from a hostile mercenary east of Brooks Tumbleweed Ranch, unless the Wild Wasteland trait is taken, in which case the player can get the Alien Blaster instead.
If you do get the perk, you can get one then the other with console codes on the PC, that would be the only way to get both, considering I have both. Find the YCS/186 Gauss rifle in Fallout:.

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